Writing User Functions

For each example to which the user wishes to apply the AutoMix sampler the user must supply a file (which is linked at compile time, see Makefile for examples) containing four user functions written in C.


A familiarity with the C programming language is assumed.

These functions must have names and arguments detailed below and return the following information:

  1. A function that returns the number of models:
int get_nmodels(void)
  1. A function to load the dimension of each model:
void load_model_dims(int nmodels, int *model_dims)

Given the number of models nmodels, on exit from the function the vector model_dims should contain the dimensions of the models.

  1. A function to get initial conditions (possibly random) for the RWM for a given model:
void get_rwm_init(int model_k, int mdim, double *rwm)

Given the model index k, and the dimension model_k of that model, on exit from the function the vector rwm should contain the initial conditions. In particular, rwm[j-1] should contain the (possibly random) intial state for component j of the parameter vector associated with model k, (j=1,…,mdim).

If random initial states are used, the user must also declare the random number functions in the file (see the example files).

  1. A function to return the log of the target function pi evaluated at a given point in the state space, up to an additive constant:
void logpost(int model_k, int mdim, double *theta, double* lp, double *llh)

Given the model index model_k, and parameter vector theta (of dimension mdim), the function must load in lp the log of the target function (up to an additive constant) evaluated at this point. If pi is a posterior distribution, the double llh should contain the log-likelihood evaluated at this point (although this is only necessary for returning the log-likelihood to output file, and can contain any other value if preferred).

The examples provided, with comments, show typical examples of these user files for the problems under consideration.